This weekend was filled with activities in all levels. I didnt let the smoke get me down, or the ashes falling from the sky all weekend. O, thats right, i went outside.
One of my close friends and I went out to the Earthbound Farms for a raspberry festival which was fun and good to go outside and hang out. I got a little Thai basil plant, pretty exited about that. There was face painting, raspberry picking, gussing how many raspberries were in a pie, cooking demonstrations, and lots of organic foods. Mmm. As im looking at my image, i mostly just took close shots of nature that interested me.
After the Saturday, play day I hopped into the studio after a visit to Monastery Beach in Carmel. This visit was to inspire and collect kelp for my kelp pour that i am currently working on. I would like to keep going with this series, i have completed four so far, and working on more.
This red piece is part of my Tangled Hearts Series 6x6 encaustic on wood panel.
Here are some of the kelp pours. They are real interesting to create. I have a lot of fun playing with the shape, color, and texture i want to venture in every peice. I cant wait to get a larger working space, so i can work larger than a cookie sheet.
In between studio work, i came up to visit my inspiration in a box. Oh, Mater is so cute.