So i arrive at the house, and what do i see, but an amazing schmorgisborg of foodies. My mom, can make anything, i know it. She did such an awesome job preparing food. She loves it, she says. I always ask her about her logo...ha... down below is an amazing cake that my mom painted herself, a replica of the painting that is about to be auctioned off that night. My mom is an inspiration for myself. She has set the bar real high for us Mullen girls.
Alright, friends and family came over, and well, the bidding began. As you all know the peice was already bid on twice during the Preview Party, and so this is an exciting time to see how much more money my work would raise for KVIE. The bidding starts at the $550.00...and it went something like this. The conversation about my work was excellent. The anouncers mentioned CSUMB and my importance of environment. During the "Margo" spiel, they took close ups of the work, which i would have to say turned out just awesome for tv. It was real a change to see my work on the big screen with my loved ones. This just was such an exciting moment. O...the bidding war begins.

And so with that, the 10 minute bidding ending with the bid closing at $700.00. It feels great to be able to give that to KVIE which gives so much to the Sacramento community. Everyone was excited about the bid and after all that, we ate some cake.
I woke up the next morning, on cloud nine, all i can think about is getting back into the studio. Good thing, I am showing on October 5th with Jamie, and I dont have as much work as I want, so, this next week, is going to be deemed wax week. So get out your blow torch, we are going to be productive in the studio.
Here you are, I took a right turn instead of a left, and here is the view later that day in Monterey, I was still in shorts and a tank top, leaving the sticky Sacramento heat and driving into the cool Monterey fog.