Octopi Collective met up this past Wednesday to discuss, interact, and critique. This was two and a half hours of non stop discussion with everyone. The Octopi is about to hit their one year mark from their first showing together in February. We have grown so much since this idea of a fresh out of college collective started. My favorite part about the collective is that everyone is so different, we have painters, photographers, paper cutters, digital kids, fabric sculptors, collagers, drawers, glass blowers, curators and singers and just a wealth of talent, passion, and drive. We are rockin Monterey County, there is no doubt about that. Now that we have our first show at the National Steinbeck Center locked and loaded, the collective is on an all time high. Here are some images for our absurdly productive meeting.

Nic created a word list about our next theme for an up coming show. Carnal. Thanks Nic.

First up is Sarah, she mainly does real cool collage and painting. We showed together this past summer at the Carmel Art and Wine Festival. She has a plethora of vintage photographs which she is going to do something really rad with.

K* is working on a new series of work. Fabric and all things touchable are her medium. She has gone in a new direction with her work and it is amazing to see her develop and hone in on her art. Yes, Art and her have been spending a large amount of time together and you can tell. Nice job K* cant wait to see more.

J.R. Uretsky, whom I showed with in the month of October, you have seen her work. This is her new stuff. She is being inspired by cleft palettes using everyday material. Very interesting, using such machine factory created objects to show such an organic human side of life.

And then there is Nic. Nic is so interesting to listen to about his work. He is showing his new photography work. The space he was at during this time didn't have great lighting, which is amazing because the way he chose to utilize his environment was awesome, I really enjoyed his...lack of light photography. They have such beauty and contrast.

Painter Paul, enough said. He is in quite the Octopi stage of his drawing. Paul also is a newly encaustic kid, which is great for me, but hey when are we going to play in the studio together?

Mr. Taylor. wow i havent seen him for about 5 months. So it was great to see him and his new 'hair cut' ha. Taylor is working in a variety of mediums as well. This night he brought in a small oil on paper piece and a glass piece he worked on. Glass is so amazing. I would love to try it I just need access to a set up. Taylor is going to start to churn out some bitchin' work soon.

And with that, Taylor was our last critque. Great job Octopi! Now get to your studio and make, create, read, ponder, release, live, and above all have fun.