So off I go, to WC to drop of two paintings that are going to be showing in this nationally juried waxy exhibition. I then met up with encaustic painter and fiber goddess, Daniella Woolf. I met her about a year and a half ago. She is an amazing spirit and her work is wonderful.
Onward! After the art-dropping-off day it was time for a purely octopi moment. We are gearing up for our big exhibition at the National Steinbeck Center. So we had a pot luck, critique meeting, which we all love some much! This group of young artists never gets boring. I am thankful to be able to share my stories with the Collective and more importantly listen to theirs. One of our members, Michelle, just got back from a long stay in Texas, and it was great to hear what she had encountered and experienced there. Nic was out shooting the Sea Otter Classic and saw the most rad bikes and talked about that experience. Taylor is being commissioned for a few large pieces and also got into Pilchuck Glass school. So everyone is growing and progressing in their work. I just love it! Next meeting we will be at the Steinbeck Center to get more in depth about the project and be in the space.
One of our newest members, Nick Leonoff, a glass blower, had a reception out in Carmel at the Crossroads. Here are a few images from the reception. The sun was setting and the light danced so nicely with his work.
After his opening, it was time for 'Confections' at the Alternative Cafe's Gallery. It was a very cool showing of all things tasty. Maya Freedman curated the showing and did a wonderful job picking out work for the show. Everything was designed to the 'T' for this showing, even the cupcakes matched the walls. Way to go Maya! The exhibition is still running and they are donating a portion of the proceeds to The Keep A Breast Foundation to increase awareness and help eradicate breast cancer by exposing young people to methods of prevention, early detection and support. Click here to check the work.
The opening was fun and I meet new people and saw new art. All'n'all a great night.
Now, I am switching gears here.
You see, the adventure never really stops. Life goes on. People live, and people die. There have been many deaths in my family in 2009 from the very young to the very old. It has made me think differently about life and feel emotions I haven't felt in a long time. In my life I want to make a difference with my work to my local and international communities.
So with this whole living life to the fullest mantra in full practice and new appreciation of the human emotion. I am currently recovering from a massive dose of indulgence. I took advantage of the amazing Monterey climate and I went for a bike ride. There I was, riding in the sun, listening to some energetic music, after my 40 mins of lap swimming. Something happened. The world seemed to stop and everything slowed down to seconds, I just got lost in feeling unbalanced. I remember watching the bike wheels spinning in a way, I haven't seen before, but i loved it. It was great! However that feeling only lasted a few seconds. Back to reality. Ouch.
So after my crash and burn. I rode on. Picked myself up, dusted myself off thinking of mom. I started to think about childhood and how no matter what physically happened to me as a child, my mom always made it better. I will cherish that feeling forever. I love my mom :)
And so the story continues. I was not going to let my crash and burn steer me away from the beach. So I went out with a few friends. I caught the orange sunset and took a few shots.
I am going to be taking it easy for the next few days, no rock climbing or jumping out of planes. I think a nice walk with the lupine will be fine.
I am sure i will feel better by Friday, and hope so, as i am going to be at my art reception in SF at the Kathleen McMahon Fine Art Gallery in the Mission District from 5 to 9pm. So you have a chance to see my wounds and check out my new Asilomar encaustic series. :)