Last week was mini week. I finished creating 40 5x5in encaustic paintings that are currently on display at Miriam's in Monterey on Lighthouse Ave. She is open everyday from 7am to about 2pm.
With the 'Back to Basics' theme in place and mini panels on their way, it was time to work and think about each series. I have 7 series inside this large mini series. The work can be purchased on an individual basis or in a collection of five. In addition to the minis I also created a large triptych, titled, 'Under the Sea and In My Head'
So, No thinking, Just Making? Well there is some thinking involved, or my coffee would never be created in the early mornings as the dawn arrives in the valley. I had a conversation with a painter a while back when I felt stuck in my work in all mediums and the painter told me in the midst of our conversation, don't think, just make. Let the painting paint itself. I keep that in mind when my brain seems to be getting too involved and I reached a point where Im mostly thinking, and not making, which, inevitably makes for no production. So, No thinking, just making, let's go! The work unfolded on its own. I was up before the Sun everyday having a nice dose of granola, bananas, and auto drip coffee. I did all my business, paperless paper work in the wee morning hours as I woke up and waited for the light to warm up in the studio.

Being challenged to create so many paintings in a small amount of time is an interesting experience. As I was working I came up with different ideas and started to pursue them. I then realized I'm on a time line and although it may be a good idea, it needs more time to achieve properly. So, I have stored those ideas and they might actually be more interesting on a larger scale. My friend J.R. Uretsky is having different but similar experiences with her work. Different as in she is working on receiving her Masters degree from UCONN, similar in that she too is creating a large amount of work in a variety of mediums in short time spans.
For those of you who will not be able to make it to the half way through party this Friday the 13th, here is a shot of show. The large painting is almost impossible to see in the photograph what detail and the story going on inside. So, if you do live in the area, stop by and check it out.

Well here are the naked mermaids I was writing about in my previous post. Enjoy. I also used beans from Miriam's and her espresso cakes. This was my most challenging series to create and keep the idea of contrast in mind and not go so monochromatic. The show is up for the month of November. Additional images of the work will be posted on my Facebook account.