Last Saturday was the artists reception at the new Davenport Art Gallery located on HWY 1 between Half Moon Bay and Santa Cruz. The gallery is open Wednesday through Sunday from 11am to 5pm. The theme of the exhibition is 'Love and Chocolate' below is my painting that is showing in the gallery. The gallery feels wonderful with the theme fully enforced in multiple mediums.
In my past posts I talked about my studio losing power for two days straight and the ink and paper pieces I created as a result. Well since then, the power is on and the inspiration of these robotic creatures is not only still with me, but seems to be growing larger each day, every second I breathe. Above is an acrylic and ink piece, 16x20in. Not only is this work sparked by a power outage, it is also being fueled by my interactions with my new community on a daily basis. The feeling of truly being accepted, respected and loved for who you are and what you do is an overwhelmingly amazing experience and feeling. I feel like a Protea seed sprouting, well Im not so sure how Protea seeds feel when they sprout, but, I would like to imagine they feel like I do right now.

Many things and interactions with others fills me with joy, however when I see children and adults interacting with my work together, that is the icing on the cake.
The work is up for the rest of the month, if you happen to be in California and find yourself on the coast, travel down, or up and you will not be disappointed by the landscape and people you meet along the way.
Davenport Art Gallery information:
450 Highway One Davenport CA 95017
e: davenportgallery@gmail.com