Sunday, November 7, 2010


It is Sunday morning. I'm sitting at a coffee shop in Los Gatos, CA. The energy is flourishing and the beans smell heavenly.
The past week I have been hopping around from Truckee to Sacramento to Monterey to San Fransisco. I have officially moved out of the forest and living a nomadic lifestyle.  The artistic lifestyle is so uncertain. I am continuously working on balance in my lifestyle, which seems almost impossible to me at times. So I am almost set up with yoga and medatation places to practice at as I travel from city to city. My schedule is changing every hour and maintaining peace amidst all the chaos is a challenge.


It is time to go to the Santa Cruz Mountain studio. Today is the start of the lay out of the SC Beach Boardwalk mural. I am looking forward to the start of a new mural for the Santa Cruz community and blocking in some color after we set the perspective.

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